November 8, 2021, 14:00 "Aula di Rappresentanza" Mathematics Department, University of Milan Via Cesare Saldini 50, Milano, Italy
SPEAKER: Per Moosavi (ETH Zürich)
Non-local Luttinger model out of equilibrium: Exact results and emergence of generalized hydrodynamics
The non-local Luttinger model is an exactly solvable 1+1D quantum field theory with finite-range interactions that lies somewhere between conformal and Bethe-ansatz integrable models. Using bosonization, I will show how exact analytical results can be computed for the time evolution of this model following an inhomogeneous quantum quench from initial states defined by smooth inverse-temperature and chemical-potential profiles. These results demonstrate that the finite-range interactions give rise to dispersive effects, not present in the conformal case of point-like interactions. Combining the same methods with the recent proposal of generalized hydrodynamics, one finds that this model allows for fully explicit yet non-trivial solutions of the resulting Euler-scale hydrodynamic equations. These results are shown to emerge from the exact analytical ones at the relevant time and length scales. As such, the non-local Luttinger model provides a tractable example to analytically study the emergence of hydrodynamics in a quantum many-body system.