18/03/2024: Zhituo Wang @ UniMi

Monday, March 18, 2024 - 11:15
Aula Dottorato (first floor)
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Zhituo Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology)

Constructive renormalizations of the 2-D Honeycomb-Hubbard model

In this talk I will present some recent progress on the construction of ground state of the 2-dimensional Hubbard model, which is a prototypical model for studying phase transitions in quantum many-body system. Using fermionic cluster expansions and constructive renormalization theory, we proved that the ground state of the 2-d Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice with triangular Fermi surfaces is not a Fermi liquid in the mathematical precise sense of Salmhofer. I will also discuss the crossover phenomenon in the 2-d square Hubbard model and universalities. This presentation is based on the work arXiv:2108.10852, CMP 401, 2569–2642(2023) and arXiv:2303.13628.

28/2/2024: Filippo Boni @ UnIns

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 9:45
Aula V2.10
Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia
Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Via Valleggio 11, Como

SPEAKER: Filippo Boni (Scuola Superiore Meridionale)

Normalized ground states for Nonlinear Schrödinger equations on metric graphs

In this talk we present some results about the existence of normalized ground states on noncompact metric graphs for nonlinear Schrödinger equations involving possibly both a standard power nonlinearity and delta nonlinearities located at the vertices of the graph. In the first part, we review some results when the sole standard nonlinearity is present.
In the second part, we present more recent results, both when only delta nonlinearities at the vertices are considered and when standard and delta nonlinearities coexist. In the first case, we show that the ground state problem strongly depends on the degree of periodicity of the graph, the total number of delta nonlinearities and their dislocation in the graph. In the second case, we highlight that the existence of ground states is strongly affected by the value of the mass, the relation between the powers of the two nonlinear terms and by topological and metric properties of the graph itself. These results have been obtained in collaboration with R. Adami, S. Dovetta and E. Serra (Politecnico di Torino).

04/03/2024: Joachim Kerner @ UniMi

Monday, March 4, 2024 - 11:15
Sala di Rappresentanza
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Joachim Kerner (FernUniversität in Hagen)

On Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Random Kac-Luttinger Model

This talk is concerned with a random many-particle model originally considered by Kac and Luttinger in 1973 in order to study a well-known quantum phase transition known as Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC). Generally speaking, to understand this phase transition in interacting many-particle systems is a current hot topic in mathematical physics. However, due to the complexity of the underlying random one-particle model, the nature of the BEC in the non-interacting Kac-Luttinger model was understood only recently based on results obtained by Alain-Sol Sznitman (ETH). In this talk, our goal will be to understand the impact of repulsive two-particle interactions on this condensate. We will see that, due to the spatial localization of the condensate, strong enough interactions will immediately destroy it. On the other hand, for two-particle interactions of a mean-field type, we prove BEC in the interacting Kac–Luttinger model into a minimizer of a Hartree-type functional. This talk is based on joint work with C. Boccato (Milan), M. Pechmann (Tennessee), and W. Spitzer (Hagen).

The seminar is part of the activities of the project PRIN 2022AKRC5P “Interacting Quantum Systems: Topological Phenomena and Effective Theories” financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

26/02/2024: Emanuela Giacomelli @ UniMi

Monday, February 26, 2024 - 11:15
Sala di Rappresentanza
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Emanuela Giacomelli (LMU München)

The low density Fermi gas in three dimensions

In recent decades, the study of many-body systems has been an active area of research in both physics and mathematics. In this talk we consider a system of N interacting fermions with spin 1/2 confined in a box in the dilute regime. We are interested in studying the correlation energy, defined as the difference between the energy of the fundamental state and that of the free Fermi gas. We will discuss some recent results on a first-order asymptotic for the correlation energy in the thermodynamic limit, where the number of particles and the size of the box are sent to infinity while keeping the density fixed. In particular, we will present some recent results for the correlation energy that go in the direction of a rigorous proof of the well-known Huang-Yang formula of 1957.

15/01/2024: Clara Torres Latorre @ UniMi

Monday, January 15, 2024 - 11:15
Aula 9
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Cesare Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Clara Torres Latorre (Universitat de Barcelona)

Regularity theory for elliptic and parabolic PDE

In this talk, we’ll explore how regularity theory is crucial for understanding partial differential equations (PDEs), and how it has consequences in physics and numerical analysis. We’ll first focus on why regularity matters, then take elliptic and parabolic PDEs as examples to talk about classical and recent regularity results. The goal is to give a practical overview, explaining when PDE solutions are smooth or singular.

13/07/2023: Diwakar Naidu @ UniMi

Thursday, July 13, 2023 - 15:00
Sala di Rappresentanza
Mathematics Department, University of Milan
Via Cesare Saldini 50, Milano, Italy

SPEAKER: Diwakar Naidu (Universität Tübingen)

Existence of Bell-type pure jump process for the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian

In this talk I will present my work on Bell-type jump processes. J.S. Bell in
1984 gave a jump rate formula that predict the probability of configurational
jumps and in turn define a stochastic (Markov) jump process that governs the
evolution of particle configurations. The standard method (by Tumulka et al)
for proving existence of such processes does not work for the Klein-Gordon (KG) Hamiltonian as the jump rates for it are unbounded. We show the existence
of a stationary and independent (Markov) pure jump process (i.e. where the
configurational motion occurs only via jumps) for the particle configuration that
is equivariant, i.e. |Ψt|2 distributed at every time t, where Ψ evolves with the KG
Hamiltonian, using elements from the theory of Lévy processes. Next, we also
want to extend this obtained process to a broader class of Markov process which also depend on the particle configurations and time using the general theory of Markov processes.

9/10/2023: Asbjørn Bækgaard Lauritsen @ UniMi

October 9, 2023 - 11:15
Sala di Rappresentanza
Mathematics Department, University of Milan
Via Cesare Saldini 50, Milano, Italy

SPEAKER: Asbjørn Bækgaard Lauritsen (IST Austria)

Ground state energy and pressure of a dilute spin-polarized Fermi gas

Recently the study of dilute quantum gases have received much interest, in particular regarding their ground state energies and pressures/free energies at positive temperature. I will present recent work on such problems. Namely that of the ground state energy of a spin-polarized Fermi gas and the extension to the pressure at positive temperature. Compared to the free gas, the energy density/pressure of the interacting gas differs by a term of order a^3 \rho^{8/3} with a the p-wave scattering length of the interaction. One of the main ingredients in the proofs is a rigorous version of a formal cluster expansion of Gaudin, Gillespie and Ripka (Nucl. Phys. A, 176.2 (1971), pp. 237-260). I will discuss this expansion and the analysis of its absolute convergence.

Joint work with Robert Seiringer.

5/6/2023: Andreas Deuchert @ UniMi

June 5, 2023 - 11:15
Aula dottorato, first floor
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Andreas Deuchert (Universität Zürich)

Microscopic Derivation of Ginzburg-Landau Theory and the BCS Critical Temperature Shift in General External Fields

We consider the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) free energy functional with weak and macroscopic external electric and magnetic fields and derive the Ginzburg-Landau functional. We also provide an asymptotic formula for the BCS critical temperature as a function of the external fields. This extends our previous results in arXiv:2105.05623 for the constant magnetic field to general magnetic fields with a nonzero magnetic flux through the unit cell. This is joint work with C. Hainzl and M. Maier.

13/02/2023 – 15/03/2023: Matteo Gallone @ UniMi

13/02  14:00-16:00   Sala di rappresentanza, ground floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
14/02  10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
15/02  10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
1/03   14:00-16:00   Aula Mp, Via Mangiagalli 32
2/03   10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
3/03   10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
13/03  14:00-16:00   Aula C10, Via Mangiagalli 25
14/03  10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
15/03  10:00-12:00   Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50

SPEAKER: Matteo Gallone (SISSA Trieste)

Introduction to Renormalisation Group for Fermionic Models

This series of seminars presents techniques used to rigorously approach the analysis of statistical mechanical systems of fermions. These include:
i) Gaussian integration using Feynman graphs
ii) Grassmann variables and Grassmann Gaussian integration
iii) ​Grassmann representation of the 2D Ising Model with quasi-periodic disorder
iv) Decay of the 2-point correlation function.

Students may get credit (in the category of seminar type F) for this course. Please contact Niels Benedikter if you intend to receive credit: niels.benedikter__A_T__unimi.it

20/02/2023: Jan Derezinski @ Polimi

February 20, 2023
Aula Consiglio VII Piano, Politecnico di Milano
Edificio 14 (Nave), Campus Leonardo

SPEAKER: Jan Derezinski (University of Warsaw)

Schrödinger operators with singular boundary conditions

In order to define a differential operator on a domain with boundary one often needs to specify boundary conditions. In the presence of singular terms this can be quite tricky. It may lead to interesting and surprising phase diagrams. I will illustrate this with the so-called perturbed Bessel operators, that is one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on the half-line of the form $ – \partial_x^2 + (m^2 – 1/4) 1/x^2 + Q(x) $.

The talk will be based on my joint work with Jeremy Faupin.