13/02 14:00-16:00 Sala di rappresentanza, ground floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 14/02 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 15/02 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 1/03 14:00-16:00 Aula Mp, Via Mangiagalli 32 2/03 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 3/03 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 13/03 14:00-16:00 Aula C10, Via Mangiagalli 25 14/03 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50 15/03 10:00-12:00 Aula dottorato, first floor, Mathematics Department, Via C. Saldini 50
SPEAKER: Matteo Gallone (SISSA Trieste)
Introduction to Renormalisation Group for Fermionic Models
This series of seminars presents techniques used to rigorously approach the analysis of statistical mechanical systems of fermions. These include:
i) Gaussian integration using Feynman graphs
ii) Grassmann variables and Grassmann Gaussian integration
iii) Grassmann representation of the 2D Ising Model with quasi-periodic disorder
iv) Decay of the 2-point correlation function.
Students may get credit (in the category of seminar type F) for this course. Please contact Niels Benedikter if you intend to receive credit: niels.benedikter__A_T__unimi.it